Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Un Chien Andalou (1929), Luis Bunuel

Clocking in at only 16 minutes, Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali created one of the (if not THE) most influential films in the history of underground cinema. I apologize for the lack of plot summary, as there really is no plot. This film consists of a series of surreal events, simultaneously grotesque and provocative, told in a dream-like manner. Although the film was released in 1929, I still find it rather shocking, even by today's/my standards. I mean seriously, try not to cringe at a woman's eyeball (Duh, it was a cow's eye. I know. Still pretty awful.) being sliced for no apparent reason, or ants crawling out of a hole in a man's hand. Endlessly referenced and ripped off by lots of my favorite directors, this is a must-see (or a good starting point) for those interested in the history of cinema.

Grade: A+

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