Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Basket Case (1982), Frank Henenlotter

Duane Bradley walks the streets of NYC, nervously clutching a wicker basket. What could possibly be in there? Clothes? Easter eggs? His former conjoined twin? If you guessed the latter, your cookie is in the mail. Duane and his hideously deformed brother, Belial, are pissed. They never wanted to be separated! So now they are on a mission to stalk and kill the three doctors responsible for the illegal, and very unsanitary, surgery. When Duane meets a beautiful receptionist, Belial becomes so enraged, he literally sees red. Who will win this battle of the Bradleys? It's hard to say, considering there is a Basket Case 2 and 3!

First things first- is everyone in this movie wearing a wig? They decided that rather than pay for a hair and makeup person, they would just slap a wig and some mauve lipstick on everyone (including maybe Kevin Van Hentenryck)???? I found it very distracting at times. I'm not gonna lie, I honestly do find Belial to be disturbing. There is something about his face and the awful noises he makes that make me just cringe. I know it's a cheap lump of silly putty, but it genuinely creeps me out! This movie is perfect for anyone who likes cheaply made, horribly acted films from the 80s. And if you like this, I would definitely suggest getting ahold of 2 and 3. Make a night of it!

Grade: A

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