Monday, November 17, 2008

Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys (1994), Adi Sideman

Sorry guys, no picture for this one, because I don't want to Google Image Search it. I think you can understand. This is by far the most horrific film I have ever seen in my life. The night I watched it, I couldn't sleep, so I would recommend that you watch it mid-day. The truly terrifying thing is that there is no narration. The documentarians don't go out of their way to slant your view one way or the other. They just let the cameras roll, and I think the material truly speaks for itself.

All of the men interviewed are beyond delusional. Some even go as far as to say that they are not the pursuers, but rather, the pursuees. Some of them claim they are doing the children a favor, or helping adult homosexuals by "training" them young. They invite themselves to Gay Rights marches, much to the dismay of their fellow participants.

Another thing that really freaked me out- among the people interviewed were a few boys who had been unsuccessfully approached by one of the men featured in the film, as well as their parents' reactions. There was also a man featured who was a victim of sexual abuse as a child, who claims he "enjoyed it" and "was in control." Sure, pal. He said these experiences led him to be a boy-lover in his adulthood. Well ain't that just terrific? Congrats, asshole.

It also showed the "other side" of the story, in which the molesters are verbally abused and called out in public. Wah fucking wah. You prey on children. Get over it, creeps.

This was still a really good and fair portrayal. If my mind wasn't so made up that I HATE CHILD MOLESTERS, I may have gained some insight. I don't know whether or not to recommend this to anyone. If you like a good documentary, or you're interested in abnormal psych, then by all means- go for it.

Grade: ?

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