Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dead Alive (1992), Peter Jackson

Boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy's mom eats girl's dog. A classic love story, indeed.

I had the great fortune of being able to finally see this movie in a real theater. I had always felt that a small screen at home did this film no justice. This is a movie meant to be seen at the theater, around people, as close as you can get to the screen without breaking your neck.

The scene involving Lionel and the lawnmower is the best scene in zombie movie history. Everything after that is far too silly for my taste, I really wish Jackson would have just ended it there. Beyond that, I'm not even going to bother reviewing this.

Grade: A+

Best Line: "Stand back boy, this calls for divine intervention. I kick ass for the Lord!" -Father McGruder

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