Sunday, September 7, 2008

Videodrome (1983), David Cronenberg

James Woods plays Max Renn, a cable TV programmer on the hunt for something new and obscene to offer his viewers. He stumbles upon a particularly disturbing show, "Videodrome," and is immediately sucked in. One fateful night, he shows the program to his new girlfriend Nikki (who just happens to be one of the hottest babes ever, Ms. Deborah Harry), and it's pretty much all downhill for Max and Nikki from there. Hallucinations, conspiracies, murder, uncomfortable S&M sequences, weird chest vaginas, and the most disgusting looking videocassettes in the history of film... this movie truly has it all.

This is a movie that has been reviewed thousands of times, I see no need to do so. If you haven't already seen this, what are you waiting for? It's a classic. It's creepy. And it is particularly relevant in our reality TV-obsessed times. Long live the new flesh.

Best Line: "You'll forgive me if I don't stay around to watch. I just can't cope with the freaky stuff." -Barry Convex

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