Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Schramm (1993), Jorg Buttgereit

A fairly arty film, as Buttgereit's films usually are, about a serial killer's life flashing before his eyes as he lays dying. It is never clearly explained why he kills, or motives behind who he kills. He is referred to as 'The Lipstick Killer,' and has a portrait of a rather motherly looking woman hanging up in his apartment. There is a very demented-looking hairy, greasy, rotten toothed vagina monster that continually pops up. I suppose the viewer is to assume it's an Oedipal thing. It's all very mysterious and senseless. It made me very nervous about going over to friends' places by myself. People are creeps.

Jorg-Butt, as my friends and I so lovingly refer to him, is one weird ass dude. He's just all over the place. One minute he's making an art film, the next he's aiming for another spot on the Disturbo 13. That said, he did make Gazorra, which is my favorite short film of all time, so all his sins are perpetually forgiven n my eyes. This movie was actually much, much less gory than I had expected, or maybe I am just so desensitized that it didn't seem like a big deal, which is actually really sad. He was definitely going for something a little more cerebral than your average serial slasher film with this one. If you're going to watch this, make sure the subs are clear and visible. On the copy I watched, they were very small and more often than not, terribly difficult to read.

Grade: B-

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